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The plan includes immediate measures to help individuals and families cope with potential illness, financial strain or precarious employment. It also adds funding to key services, such as health care, housing and social services, to make sure they continue to support British Columbians and help contain the spread of COVID-19.

“While this crisis continues, we need to make sure that people are kept safe and that vital services are available to British Columbians,” said Carole James, Minister of Finance. “That means making sure people can pay their bills, stay safe in their homes and provide for their families during this extraordinary time.”

A new B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workers

Will provide a tax-free $1,000 payment to British Columbians whose ability to work has been affected by the outbreak. The benefit will be a one-time payment for British Columbians who receive federal Employment Insurance (EI), or the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit, as a result of COVID-19 impacts. This includes workers who have been laid-off, who are sick or quarantined, parents with sick children, parents who stay at home from work while child care centres and schools are closed, and those caring for sick family members, such as an elderly parent. The workers can be EI-eligible and non-EI eligible, such as the self-employed. The benefit will be paid to B.C. residents, in addition to their federal income supports.

B.C. Climate Action Tax Credit

As many as 86% of British Columbians will see some extra money from this enhancement. Eligible families of four will receive up to $564 and eligible individuals will receive up to $218 in an enhanced payment. This boosts the regular climate action tax credit payment of up to $112.50 per family of four and up to $43.50 per adult.

Together, the B.C. Emergency Benefit for Workers and the enhanced B.C. Climate Action Tax Credit will complement federal income supports and help people who are struggling with job loss, reduced income or increased costs through the immediate crisis.

Student Loans:

To help people with B.C. student loans, the Province is freezing B.C. student loan payments for six months, starting March 30, 2020. Federal student loan payments are being frozen as well.


British Columbians needing more time to pay their bills can also apply to existing payment deferral programs at ICBC and BC Hydro. ICBC is extending deferrals to up to 90 days. People dealing with job loss, illness or loss of wages due to COVID-19 may also qualify for BC Hydro’s Customer Crisis Fund grant program for up to $600.



The Alberta government will provide immediate funding and supportive measures to support local businesses, employers and employees.

Emergency isolation support

  • experienced total or significant loss of income as a result of having to self-isolate, or are the sole caregiver of a dependent who is self-isolating, and
  • have no other source of compensation, such as workplace sick leave benefits or federal employment insurance benefits

Utility payment deferral

  • Residential, farm and small commercial customers can defer electricity and natural gas bill payments for the next 90 days to ensure no one will be cut off, regardless of the service provider.
  • This program is available to Albertans who are experiencing financial hardship as a direct result of COVID-19. For example, those who have lost their employment or had to leave work to take care of an ill family member.
  • Call your utility provider directly to arrange for a 90-day deferral on all payments.

Banks and credit unions

Credit unions

  • Business members should contact their credit union directly to work out a plan for their personal situation

ATB Financial

  • ATB Small business customers can:
  • apply for a payment deferral on loans and lines of credit for up to 6 months
  • access additional working capital for ATB customers

Other ATB business and agriculture customers can access support on a one-on-one basis. Further solutions are being considered at this time


Self-Isolation Program

The Self-Isolation Support Program is targeted at Saskatchewan workers forced to self- isolate in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, and who are not covered by recent federally announced employment insurance programs and other supports. Administered by the Ministry of Finance, the program will provide $450 per week, for a maximum of two weeks or $900.

To be eligible, residents of Saskatchewan must meet these criteria:

  • They have contracted COVID-19 or are showing symptoms; or
  • They have been in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19; or
  • They have recently returned from international travel and have been required to self-isolate;


  • They are not eligible for compensation including sick leave, vacation leave from their employer;
  • They do not have private insurance covering such disruptions;
  • They are not covered by other programs such as federal employment insurance that has been updated

Student Loan Repayment Moratorium

Effective immediately, a six-month student loan repayment moratorium has been put in place, mirroring a similar federal provision. This provides individuals with student loans immediate relief, and comes at a $4 million cost to the provincial government.

Labour Market Services

Saskatchewan Labour Market Services offer career, employment and training information and services to Saskatchewan residents. These services continue to be available from anywhere in the province, by calling or emailing your nearest Labour Market Services office.


Nothing announced as of yet.


Ontario is expanding access to existing Emergency Assistance under the current provisions of Ontario Works. This is available to people with limited income, assets or credit including those who live in poverty, are homeless or unemployed. This extra social services relief funding will help protect the health and safety of most vulnerable populations.

Province is providing additional $200 million directly to individuals and families in financial crisis, including those who are not able to access Employment Insurance (EI) to cover needs such as food costs, rent, medicine and other essential services during the coronavirus pandemic.

Changes to Ontario’s Emergency Assistance Program in response to COVID-19 include the following:

· Suspending the rule that limits emergency assistance provision to only once in a six-month period for individuals and families affected by COVID-19; and

· Allowing people to receive emergency assistance for longer (48 days) without submitting a full Ontario Works application.

Relief from Higher Electricity Bills

Ontarians, who have to work from home or who choose to self-isolate due to COVID-19 are concerned about high daytime electricity rates.

Ontario is providing electricity relief to families, small businesses and farms during COVID-19: Province suspending time-of-use rates for 45 days

Ontario Emergency Assistance Program Expanded

Ontario is expanding access to existing Emergency Assistance under the current provisions of Ontario Works. This is available to people with limited income, assets or credit including those who live in poverty, are homeless or unemployed. This extra social services relief funding will help protect the health and safety of most vulnerable populations.

Province is providing additional $200 million directly to individuals and families in financial crisis, including those who are not able to access Employment Insurance (EI) to cover needs such as food costs, rent, medicine and other essential services during the coronavirus pandemic.

Changes to Ontario’s Emergency Assistance Program in response to COVID-19 include the following:

· Suspending the rule that limits emergency assistance provision to only once in a six-month period for individuals and families affected by COVID-19; and

· Allowing people to receive emergency assistance for longer (48 days) without submitting a full Ontario Works application.

Those who are already on Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), tourists and visitors are not eligible.

Ontario Extending Validation Periods for OHIP cards

Ontarians with expiring and expired health cards will continue to have access to insured health services.

Validation Periods for Drivers Licences Extended

Ontario is extending the validity of driver’s licences, vehicle and carrier products and services that expired on or after March 1, 2020. These will continue to remain valid and legal past the expiry until further notice.

Closure of Drive Test Centres

Effective March 23, 2020, all full-time Drive Test Centres and part-time Travel Point locations will be closed until further notice.

Ontarians can rest assured:

· They will not lose their current driver’s licences due to this decision

· No driver’s licence applicants will lose test fees as a result of the closures

· The current “Fail to Keep Appointment” penalty fee will also be waived.

· Any driver who has missed their scheduled road test between March 16, 2020 and today will not be charged fees for missing the test. You will have a credit automatically placed on your file that you can use when rescheduling in the future.

· If you have a driving test coming up, you should reschedule or cancel your appointment. Your initial fee will remain on your record so you can apply it when you reschedule. You can reschedule:


Temporary Aid for Workers Program

Outline of the program:

This program offers financial assistance to meet the needs of workers who, because they are in isolation to counter the propagation of the COVID-19 virus, cannot earn all of their work income and are not eligible for another financial assistance program.


Before applying for financial assistance, make sure that you are not eligible for either compensation from your employer or private insurance, and that you are not covered by other government programs, such as Employment Insurance from the federal government.

The program is offered by the Gouvernement du Québec, in partnership with the Red Cross. You will be able to apply starting March 19, 2020.

Student Loans

The suspension of student loan debt repayment for 6 months, including borrowers whose accounts are in collection;

We relaying information from each provincial government so you are up to date on all the information you receive.

Thank you,

Sandra Morrison, CPM, CPHR, SHRM-SCP
Vice President, Human Resources | smorrison