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I wanted to take this opportunity to send a quick update and also to thank each and every one of you for your continued due diligence in keeping our family, and your family safe during these difficult times. With our above standard safety protocols and infection control practices, along with our contactless patient experience, we continue to keep our patients and team members safe during the ongoing pandemic.

Some reminders as numbers continue to rise across the country:

  • Keep your social contact to those within your household
  • When you are out in public wear a mask at all times
  • Be aware of current provincial updates by going to the applicable sites regularly (listed below)
  • Get your flu shot
  • Keep the team synergy going
  • Masks must be worn within the clinics at all times except when eating
  • If you are sick – Stay Home!
  • If a person in your immediate household tests positive for Covid-19, inform your Office Manager and/or Regional Manager right away for further instructions and,
  • If you need additional PPE at your clinic, please let your Regional Manager know

Each province keeps adding new restrictions on gatherings so please ensure you continually check the applicable government page (see below for links).

While we are all missing the social interaction we would freely experience pre-covid, we must continue to be diligent to keep our numbers down. It all starts with you, and even one small visit with someone outside of your circle without the proper safety protocols could lead you open to this illness. “No one is protected from Covid-19 until everyone is protected”.







We will continue to get through this together!

Dr. Amin Shivji, CEO