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The Federal Government has just announced this morning a combined benefit called the Canada Emergency Response Benefit that will be in effect immediately.

This benefit provides $2,000 per month for the next four months to anyone affected by COVID-19 if your office closed, you were quarantined, you were looking after a family member and you are not able to work due to the virus, or you had symptoms related to the virus. This replaces the Emergency Benefit, Sick Benefit and Regular Benefits previously announced or otherwise available to you.

This is excellent news and makes it less confusing for you! The government has also stated that they will have these payments out within 10 days of applying once it is implemented on April 6, 2020.

Another reminder to a post I made the other day, that there are further provincial supports available throughout the country so please continue to check our alerts page:

Please remember that 44% of Canadians are not working related to the COVID-19 crisis so Service Canada has deployed 13,000 workers from other departments within the government to help process your claims. Be patient, but rest assured that help is on the way!

We will get through this and be back to work as soon as we have overcome this challenge! In the interim, stay healthy, take care of yourselves and each other.

Dr. Amin Shivji