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With the long weekend fast approaching, and these uncertain times, this is a time for us all to be thankful. As the Coronavirus numbers are increasing again across the country, we want to provide you with some reminders to help bring our numbers back down. We want you all to be safe not just at work, but at home with your family.

We need to be doing our part and keeping our diligence as health care workers to ensure the safety of our patients as well as our fellow ambassadors that when we arrive at work, we have done our part in practicing our social distancing and abiding by each of our provincial regulations on Covid safety and protocols. This is our time to be kind, to be calm, and be safe! We will continue to get through this together!

At our clinics, please keep reinforcing our safety plan and Covid protocols for our patients and staff. When out in public please remember to social distance and use face masks at all times.

At home remember, the more space we have at family gatherings and the less time we spend with others, the safer we will be when we get together.



Number restrictions per province are changing daily based on the current Covid numbers, so always get the most up to date information on the noted sites:

As of October 8, 2020:


Keep gatherings small, local and within your social distance group. Keep the motto “Stick to six” for a number of people for gatherings.


50 people maximum for indoor social gatherings, including wedding and funeral receptions and birthday parties.


15 people maximum


No specific restrictions just note to minimize social celebrations


Only come into close contact with those inside your household


Social gatherings are permitted only with those in your household, with some exceptions made, including for those who require special care and for those who live alone. All gatherings are banned in red zones, except for funerals and religious services, where a maximum of 25 people can attend.

General Info & Reminders:

-Check-in with guests before they arrive to make sure that they are feeling well and do not have any symptoms or recent contact with a confirmed case.

-Visit in larger rooms where there is more space for people to sit or stand farther apart.

-Choose well-ventilated spaces (where there is lots of fresh air) and open windows if you can.

-Limit your time indoors together (the less time you spend in a confined space, the better).

-Consider the impacts of alcohol and substances as they have an impact on maintaining physical distancing.

-If you need to pass someone in a tight space (like hallways or stairs) try to pass them quickly or wait until they are gone before you enter.

-Encourage non-contact greetings such as elbow bumps or wave to reduce physical contact.

-Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces before and after you have visitors.

-Stay safe with hand sanitizer.

-Keep music low to reduce the need for loud talking or shouting.

-Make sure you have a place for guests to wash their hands.

-Celebrate outside when you can.

-If you plan for an indoor visit with people outside of your household, keep your gathering small and limit time indoors.

-If you are providing food, try to minimize crowding and sharing during meals.

-Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces before and after you have visitors.

Food Preparation:

-If you are providing food, try to minimize crowding and sharing during meals.

-Ask guests to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before food is served.

-Consider having only one-person plate meals instead of having a buffet service.

-If serving “family style” encourage people to serve themselves with their own clean cutlery. Use disposable plates and cutlery if possible.

-For shared snacks, hors d’oeuvres, candy, nuts or finger foods, provide guests with utensils, plates and napkins so they can have their own servings.

-Seat guests as far apart as possible, consider assigning seats based on household or social groups.

-Discourage people from sharing anything that has been in their mouth, such as drinks.

Attending Seasonal Activities:

When going to seasonal activities like a pumpkin patch, corn maze, light display or decorated gardens:

-Plan ahead-check to see if you need to sign up or schedule a time to visit.

-Avoid crowded places and have a plan to leave if venues become crowded.

-Respect physical distancing efforts.

-Be patient in parking lots.

-Practice good hand hygiene, wash your hands often or bring hand sanitizer.

-Bring your own food and drink.

-Use good respiratory etiquette and wear your mask when asked.

-Wear a mask when out in public.

I am thankful for everything each of you do as part of our 123Family every day and know that I appreciate all of your efforts to keep each other safe during these times. We will continue to get through this together!