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Health Alerts – Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

This page contains all health alerts and updates for 123Dentist partners, doctors, and practice staff.

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Provincial Assistance Available to Staff

SUPPORT FOR INDIVIDUALS AS NOTED BY THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS: BRITISH COLUMBIA The plan includes immediate measures to help individuals and families cope with potential illness, financial strain or precarious employment. It also adds funding to key services, such as health care, housing and social services, to make sure they continue to support British Columbians and help contain the spread of COVID-19. “While this crisis continues, we need...

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Federal Government Financial Initiatives for Employees

Support for Individuals Noted From The Federal Government: ** Disclaimer: Note we are just relaying information from the government – this information is up to date as of today’s date but can be subject to change based on their daily announcements ** New Canada Emergency Response Benefit The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) will provide a taxable amount of $2,000 per month for up to four months Eligibility Summary: Workers who must...

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Financial Aid Announcement – More details to come

The Federal Government has just announced this morning a combined benefit called the Canada Emergency Response Benefit that will be in effect immediately. This benefit provides $2,000 per month for the next four months to anyone affected by COVID-19 if your office closed, you were quarantined, you were looking after a family member and you are not able to work due to the virus, or you had symptoms related to the virus. This replaces the...

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Clinic Closure Update

In our communication of March 15, 2020, we advised you that, in a pre-emptive move to protect our patients and staff, we made the difficult choice to close our offices across the country. At that point, we had stated the closure would be until at least March 27, 2020. As this situation continues to evolve, our offices will remain closed, with the exception of emergency dentistry services, until further notice. We encourage everyone to only go...

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Updated Federal Government Announcement & Reminders

We hope everyone is staying safe, practicing social distancing and washing your hands constantly. The federal government announced this morning some emergency measures to help employees during this difficult time which include granting an emergency support benefit through Employment Insurance for those who are not presently eligible for Employment Insurance. The government has further announced that banks and lending institutions may grant...

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Important – PDC update to all attendees

On March 12, 2020, Vancouver Coastal Health notified attendees of the conference about a possible exposure to COVID-19 on March 6, 2020. Vancouver Coastal Health stated at that time that those who attended should self-monitor themselves for any symptoms for 14 days. To date no 123Dentist staff nor guests have communicated that they our showing any symptoms of the virus nor have tested positive for the virus. Yesterday, the Provincial Health...

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Additional Information on Applying and Collecting EI

In order to assist anyone negatively affected by the COVID-19 due to office closures, I am providing further information to assist you in applying for EI benefits should you wish to do so to receive payment from Service Canada. If your office is closed temporarily and you do not have any time banks to withdraw from? Call your Manager to request a Record of Employment from payroll. How do I start my EI Claim? You can initiate your EI Claim...

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Information on Applying and Collecting EI

In order to assist anyone negatively affected by the COVID-19 virus due to self-quarantine or having the virus, I am pleased to provide you the following information to assist you in applying for EI benefits and receiving payment from Service Canada. Below is some information to assist all of you. If you become sick and do not have and time banks to withdraw from? Call your Manager to request a Record of Employment from payroll. How do I start...

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RCDSO’s Message to all Dentists

A message to all dentists in Ontario - COVID-19 Pandemic March 15, 2020 In accordance with our mandate to act in the public’s interest and in hearing the numerous comments made to us by members, in consultation with hospitals and public health and others, we are offering to the membership the following measures and guidelines in response to the COVID–19 pandemic. (1) The RCDSO strongly recommends that all non-essential and elective dental...

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COVID-19 notification for attendees of PDC 2020

Notification from Vancouver Coastal Health This notice is copied from the VCH website. Vancouver, BC – Vancouver Coastal Health is notifying attendees of the Pacific Dental Conference 2020 at the Vancouver Convention Centre about a possible exposure to COVID-19 on March 6. A person who has tested positive for COVID-19 attended the conference on March 6 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. The person who attended the conference with COVID-19 is recovering...

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