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Now that many businesses across Canada have re-opened and children will shortly be returning to schools and daycares, we want to send out an important reminder to our valued, staff, partners and patients across the country.

Yesterday, we had an additional 751 new cases of Coronavirus reported across Canada, bringing the total number of reported cases to 125,647 and a total of 9,083 deaths.

We want you to be part of the solution!

Recently, Canada’s Chief Health Officer has stressed the importance of continuing to schedule routine medical appointments like vaccinations and dental care as well as appointments to manage chronic illness. We want to encourage everyone to get ahead of this before the flu season comes around. We also continue encourage all staff to limit their social circles and to wear masks when in public places. If you need additional masks for you or your family member, please ask your office manager or regional manager for some extra Level 1 masks.

Together, we can be part of the solution and help decrease the active case numbers!

Dr. Amin Shivji