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We hope you and your families have been keeping well and safe! Since mid-March we have been dealing with the impact of the pandemic and the closure of our practices across the country. As many of you have been watching on the news, provinces are slowly starting to begin their phased re-opening for businesses. What those re-openings look like in each province are still being determined and can change on a daily basis. We will be working with all of our practices to determine what is required to open safely and allow us to begin serving our patients once again. One thing we do know, is that it will be a different operating environment than it was pre-pandemic. On top of the precautions we already take each day and the infection control procedures we already have in place, even more measures will need to be done to mitigate and prevent risk. As always, our top priority is the safety of our patients and our staff!

Over the coming weeks you will see information for clinics and staff on what those re-openings will look like. We will also be sending out a brief survey to staff on our re-openings for your feedback.

We want each of you to know that we realize how hard the last couple of months have been, including the uncertainty for all of you created by this pandemic. We thank each of you for continuing to be part of our 123 Family and are excited to start to welcome you back as we look at re-opening our clinics!

Take care of yourselves and each other!

Aaron Lipton
Executive Vice President, Operations