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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dear industry professionals, suppliers and friends,

During the past few months, we’ve all experienced a historic global setback and reset. The economic and emotional toll on our businesses and people has been unprecedented. As expected, that toll has imposed itself on our own industry including our 123Dentist community.

Yet, COVID-19 will run its course with a disheartening impact. However, it will not change the reasons for why we have been and will continue to be successful in the future. Through supported autonomy, we remove all barriers that inhibit dentists from focusing on dentistry itself. Our flexible partnership model coupled with our passion, drive, and insistence on excellent patient care means we remain the best option for partnership with successful Canadian dentists as well as you, industry professionals and suppliers that make those partnerships possible.

Fortunately, Canada has one of the soundest banking systems in the world. We are proud to share that we remain fully backed by the strongest financial institutions within our banking system all during a time when true partnership is a necessity. Each of our financial partners joined us because they believe in our strategic approach and mission, and they remain committed long-term. We have the necessary funding to see us through and beyond COVID-19 so we can continue to grow our platform with transparency, sustainability and flexibility.

As clinics open over the next few weeks, much of our focus is on staff and patient safety. We must ensure all provincially mandated precautions are in place to alleviate any fears patients and staff may have as they return. Moreover, 123Dentist will demonstrate that we’re back with a renewed purpose and conviction.

We are proud to say that the resolve and resilience of the 123Dentist community, a community that you are very much a part of, will become the foundation of our re-emergence. A re-emergence based on long-term strategy of caring, flexibility and human difference. Thankfully, some things will never change.

That’s why there will always be a smile behind every 123Dentist mask.


Dr. Amin Shivji, CEO & Ali Bozorgzad, EVP